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 quezya (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: MAKE CHANGES PLEASE |
I have a few issues. I'm very social on this site which puts me on the popular list daily. The closer to #1 you are the more emails and messages you get. You tend to say the same things over and over... I also encounter things I wish I could do or change so heres my list and its not in order of importance.
I would like to have more than 10 emails a day... I do get a lot of email traffic and I would like to be able to respond to everyone, but I occasionally I need to be "rude" and ignore some users.
I would like to click on the PEOPLE WHO'VE VIEWED ME and see the list in order of the most recent views and not in alphabetical order forcing me to remember profile photos of people who have viewed me from months ago.
I would like to have the amount of mini messages pop up window turned off. If your site managers insist on keeping it then please have it stop after 10 messages. I can send anywhere from a few to over 20 mini messages a day and I know after the 11th message that I've sent over 10 messages today. Having: "You've sent 10 mini messages today!" "You've sent 10 mini messages today!" "You've sent 10 mini messages today!" "You've sent 10 mini messages today!" "You've sent 10 mini messages today!" "You've sent 10 mini messages today!" "You've sent 10 mini messages today!" "You've sent 10 mini messages today!" "You've sent 10 mini messages today!" .................. Its annoying! AND it forces me to stop and hit the OK button before navigating to another page. WHY? ITS FRUSTRATING!
Another thing is the "cost" of "buying" things with the points I earn for logging in... $500 points for adding 5 photos takes over 1.5 months.... $1000 points to get 5 photos THATS STUPID! That means I need to log on everyday for OVER 3 MONTHS just for 5 more photos=20 photos. AND TO GET 20 PHOTOGRAPHS! THAT MEANS I NEED TO LOG IN EVERY SINGLE DAY OVER OVER 5 MONTHS THATS HALF A YEAR JUST TO BE ABLE TO SHARE PHOTOS. YOU GUYS ARE ON CRACK FOR FORCING THOSE "PRICES" ON PEOPLE WHO ARE USING YOUR SITE AND MAKING YOU MONEY BUT YET YOU MAKE IT HARD FOR US TO ENJOY SOMETHING SO SIMPLE BY RESTRICTING US.
I would also like to request something for the ENTIRE SITE OVERALL: I work very hard for you all the creators and monitors of this site. I tell men (& women but in a different sense) that I will not chat with them unless they upload photographs of themselves and completed their profiles. Without their female preferences AND sometimes their own description I cannot know if they would be worth spending time on................................. SO I would like to ask you to go back into your coding and add in a sequence that FORCES ALL MEMBERS TO COMPLETE THEIR ENTIRE PROFILE BEFORE BEING ABLE TO ACCESS THE SITE! Having completed profiles would make me a much happier nerd passions user! I wouldn't waste my time trying to explain to each guy that I want to know if I fall into their IDEAL female before chatting with them. I don't want to message a man who only wants a large/chubby women only to find out that hes not interested because I do not match his preferences seeing as hes a chubby chaser.
Please PLEASE Please consider these things for me a frequent #1 on the most popular and someone who is constantly interacting with members by emails and mini messaging constantly. I log in up to 10 times a day and a few small changes would make a big difference for me and other memebers. THANKS!
Quezya... I would like to know if anyone else agrees with anything I've mentioned |
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Joined: January 5, 2005
Posts: 970
Posted: Post subject: |
Thanks for your comments/suggestions.
There is a lot here, so let's go through them one at a time.
1) "I would like to have more than 10 emails a day"
There is an option to increase the number of email messages from 10 to 20 in the Wallet area.
2) "I would like to click on the PEOPLE WHO'VE VIEWED ME and see the list in order of the most recent views and not in alphabetical order"
The system is already set up to display the people who viewed you in the order of who viewed you most recently. They are displayed, showing people who viewed your profile today first, and yesterday second, and so on..
[We logged into your account to see if there was a glitch, and the system showed members in the correct order (ie. based on most recent views) we are not sure why you posted this comment. If we misunderstood, please provide more info. and we'll look into it further.]
3) "I would like to have the amount of mini messages pop up window turned off. If your site managers insist on keeping it then please have it stop after 10 messages."
It sounds like you have found a glitch in the system. The mini-message pop-up alert is supposed to keep you aware of the number of mini-messages you have posted in a single day...since there is supposed to be a limit of 10 per day. Based on your comment, it sounds like our system is not preventing the additional posting of mini-messages after the limit of 10 per day is reached. Once this glitch is fixed, you should see the alert either stop...or it will change to read 'You have reached your limit for today.'.
4) "Another thing is the "cost" of "buying" things with the points I earn for logging in... $500 points for adding 5 photos takes over 1.5 months.... $1000 points to get 5 photos THATS STUPID!"
There is a little confusion here, but you also make a valid point. First, you should not place a $ symbol in front of the points, because it implies that there is a monetary value for points. There isn't. Members cannot buy points, and we do not make any money from points. They are ONLY there to reward members who login regularly by giving them access to a number of additional features/upgrades. The valid issue you raise is that you feel the assigned value for specific upgrades seems to be too high. We will take a look at the assigned value for the features/upgrades to see if we think any changes should be made. In all likelihood though, there will always be some features/upgrades that will have a high 'value' assigned to them, because they are only meant to be available to members who are really really active on the network.
5) "I would like to ask you to go back into your coding and add in a sequence that FORCES ALL MEMBERS TO COMPLETE THEIR ENTIRE PROFILE BEFORE BEING ABLE TO ACCESS THE SITE!"
We share your desire to have members fill in their profiles fully, and we have added a number of features to encourage this. There is a progress bar defining the completion percentage for each member's profile. Below the progress bar, there are links to the missing sections. We also added a visual flow (in the form of green arrows) at the top of the registration pages, showing how much of the registration process is complete. We have also added some minimum requirements for access to various features within the network...profiles must be at least 50% complete before email can be accessed, and profiles must be at least 75% complete before virtual gifts can be accessed. Basically, we agree with you in spirit, but we do not think that requiring 100% completion of profiles before site access is allowed would work. If the requirement was that strict, we believe it would discourage members from starting to interact with others. We will look at this issue again though, because we do agree that it is in everyone's best interest that profiles be filled out as much as possible before interacting with other members.
Lastly, with regards to the Wallet area and the Points option. We intend to give members the ability to earn additional points within the network by doing other things (aside from just logging in each day).
Until we add some other ways to earn points within the network, we would like to point out that we do reward members for good suggestions by adding points into their Wallets. (So...even though you did not realize this when you took the time to post your comments quezya, you actually earned yourself some 'bonus points'.)
We encourage members to let us know what is and is not working within the network, and to share their thoughts on what we can do better. We are working on this network everyday (literally), and while you might not see the changes on a day-to-day basis, there is always something that is being added, upgraded (or fixed...if we screwed something up).
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 alikakadri (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
I've always had the "who viewed my profile" in order of the most recent viewer at the top to the first to ever view my profile at the very bottom of the list.
My take on if a guy doesn't complete his profile: he's either lazy, forgetful or just has no clue what he's looking for... all three of those end up being the type of guys I would not bother with. Experience taught me that the lazy guys will just sit there while I do all the work... no thanks! The forgetful guys will ALWAYS require nagging to do anything to completion, especially if they procrastinate... NO THANKS!! and 3rd, the ones who have no clue what they are looking for... well... when they do figure it out, they will realize I may not be it and move on to someone else, having wasted both of our time... NO THANK YOU AT ALL!!!
Bottom line, I wouldn't waste my time with guys like that if I was here for more than friendship... actually, even in friendship I would steer clear of guys and girls like that. Friends have to have things in common (and frankly so do potential mates) for any relationship to work.
For the photos. I understand what you mean, but you can post them on your other social sites and either share them in the chat or in a private msg with the person. More work, I know. But then there's only a limited amount of pictures I would ever upload on here... so maybe it's not something I should elaborate on. I just think that 1 or 2 good pictures should be plenty.
I fully agree that a picture can say a lot about a person. If they don't want to show the real them, they may just be players and not serious about dating or friends so I do avoid those as well...
Feedback, I think you should specify that, for the chat pic, it has to be a pic of a person, not an avatar, and not a pic of a pet or a building or something... I know you can't force them to post a real pic of themselves and I do appreciate the effort you're making against cyber bullying, but it's not specific enough as the picture guidelines go
I also think you should make it more obvious that passions is for adults. I don't think kids should be on here, specially not in the chat. I know I'm not the only person who feels that way... and maybe some of them are pretty mature and nice, but they still don't belong in a chat with adult subject matters or pretending to be adults and romancing people who don't know they are under-aged and could be jailed for this, i.e. their entire life ruined by a kid playing at being an adult
Quezya, I understand the frustration behind being restricted in many aspects on passions. You do have the option of an off-passions IM service to add to the services on here. I think that's how most people deal with it.
I do think that for some people those prices are a bit high.
and yes, I agree that the constant mini messages popups = annoying.
That's my take on these issues.
And yes, it would be nice if everyone who uses passions on a regular basis would sound off on these and anything else they feel could be improved. Maybe ways to make the forums a little more lively...
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Joined: January 5, 2005
Posts: 970
Posted: Post subject: |
Thanks for your comments on this.
alikakadri wrote:
Feedback, I think you should specify that, for the chat pic, it has to be a pic of a person, not an avatar, and not a pic of a pet or a building or something... I know you can't force them to post a real pic of themselves and I do appreciate the effort you're making against cyber bullying, but it's not specific enough as the picture guidelines go
I also think you should make it more obvious that passions is for adults. I don't think kids should be on here, specially not in the chat. I know I'm not the only person who feels that way... and maybe some of them are pretty mature and nice, but they still don't belong in a chat with adult subject matters or pretending to be adults and romancing people who don't know they are under-aged and could be jailed for this, i.e. their entire life ruined by a kid playing at being an adult
While we agree that it would be better if everyone had a face pic for their chat photo, we try to be understanding of the wide variety of people who join our network...and the fact that not everyone is comfortable displaying who they are on the internet.
Since we allow anonymity within the network, for example, choosing a username instead of your real name, we felt that we should offer an alternative to forcing the use of a face pic within chat...which is why we have recently allowed the use of Avatar images as chat pics.
The chat photo rules state that the photo submitted should be a face pic or an Avatar, and for the most part, we enforce this rule. It is very rare that you will see a pet or a building as a chat photo. (We have made a few exceptions on a case-by-case basis, based on a conversation between the member and us, regarding the image they have submitted.)
With regards to your comment about making it more clear that this network is for adults only, we aren't really sure how to be more clear. Our search system does not allow searches for anyone under 18, and members are required to confirm they are 18 as part of the TERMS. We also highly encourage members to report anyone who admits to being under 18 within the network. Since people can lie, it is possible there are people under 18 within the network, but unless they admit it (or they submit photos that are clearly of someone under 18 ), we take members at their word. There are certainly some 18 year old members who just look really young, and it would be unfair to delete their accounts because we think they are underage. Just to be clear though, if any member admits to being under 18, they are deleted from the network.
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